
The mixing of Cultural Sciences and Entrepreneurship Education

المصطفى شقرون الإثنين 5 يونيو 2023 - 00:00

Entrepreneurship is mostly a highly multidisciplinary field that benefits from the integration of different disciplines. The field of social entrepreneurship is no different. According to Gregory Dees, “the social entrepreneurship is a new entrepreneurship that seeks to make a positive impact in society simply by integrating advancement with the organization model” (Worsham 2012). Therefore, it is essential that universities combine social sciences and entrepreneurship education to be able to foster the expansion of social entrepreneurs and address the challenges posed by this happening.

One of the main characteristics of this trend is the fact it involves a really strong willingness to improve and change. This invention can be geared towards enhancing or perhaps changing an existing services or products, or it can be a totally new technology. Entrepreneurs are going to take risks and can put up with failure since they want to achieve success (Worsham 2012).

In many cases, the aim of social entrepreneurship is to enhance the quality of life of men and women in a few communities. This really is achieved through the creation of a company providing you with goods and services that meet legitimate needs. Creating these companies seems to have multiple rewards: it decreases unemployment, and it helps to build up new technologies that allow for the introduction of more efficient entrepreneurship and social sciences methods of development and division.

In addition , entrepreneurship allows individuals to trend a career that aligns using their values and beliefs, including caring for the environment or helping others. Additionally, it increases task satisfaction, because entrepreneurs find work for themselves and can direct their own future. However , it is important to note that this type of career may be stressful because it lacks the safety net of your guaranteed wage.


أضف تعليقك

1000 / 1000 (عدد الأحرف المتبقية)

من شروط النشر : عدم الإساءة للكاتب أو للأشخاص أو للمقدسات أو مهاجمة الأديان أو الذات الإلهية، والابتعاد عن التحريض العنصري والشتائم.



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